Wednesday, October 28, 2009


It has been a very long time since I last wrote here at the Chronicles. In June I was let go from my workplace and it has taken me a long time to heal enough to even think about reporting here. I guess the best way to express it is that the negativity level was pretty high, and I didn't want to share much of that!

Today autumn is in the air - our first real cool snap, with a crystal clear sky and a light breezy coming up that has me reaching for a long-sleeved shirt. The windows are closed, so what little birdsong is still happening is muffled, though I can see the blue jays and mockingbirds flitting around from tree to fence to rooftop.

It looks like pretty soon the cottage will be getting busy again! After some healing and deep thinking about this little oasis I will be setting up an Etsy shop and finally putting some time in on my website (it has taken me almost a year!). Most exciting of all is that my parents, over at Ivy Hill Manor, are opening a business selling seasonal baked goods at some local events! So starting after Halloween I will be spending time with them, helping to prepare a plethora of delightful goodies for a Holiday Home Tour in their area.

That's the latest here. I hope all is going well for you in your part of the woods!

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